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Our Response to COVID-19

Our Response to the Outbreak of COVID-19

We are taking the COVID-19 outbreak very seriously and we want you to as well.
Below you will find our office plan

Our Current Office Plan as of 3/30/2020:
We now have several cases of COVID-19 in our community and it is expected to spread quickly. In response, we have decided to temporarily close the office for Inpatient office visits to try to help flatten the curve.  

We will still work very hard to manage your medical needs. We will be doing visits by phone call or video chat.  If you have a current upcoming appointment you will be contacted by one of our staff offering you a chance to still have your appointment with your physician over the phone or video conference.

Our office staff will be working very hard from home to make sure all your medical needs are addressed and met.  Call 802-442-8531. Please try to be as patient as possible as the phones will be busier than usual.  

In addition, we ask that you have a working thermometer, access to a cell phone, and if possible, the ability to video chat from a phone or computer.

COVID-19 is spreading.  We have cases in our community
Please educate yourself and prepare


People over 50 and people with serious medical problems
are at increased risk of life-threatening illness and
need to limit their risk of exposure.
Infected children are likely to show no signs of illness or seem to only have a common cold, but they may still be contagious.
Please support your family and neighbors. Please protect our elders.
Please follow the basics of social distancing!

 Local Resources: